...and have more fun!

What if you could do what feels good and right for you without second-guessing or regret?

Or you knew what was safe to express when, where, and with whom? 'Cause that's being you too.

It’s absolutely possible!

“I’ve been receiving sessions from Michaela since 2014. Her perceptive questions and intuitive channeling always point me right to the heart of the matter on issues I’ve been grappling with for a long time. The clarity I get allows me to make better choices and move forward to realize more of my potential. After a session with Michaela, I also notice profound shifts in my perspective, more presence, and ease with being my natural self in day to day life. Michaela’s curiosity, open-mindedness and passion for exploring consciousness make it a joy to work with her.”

~ Benita ~

You’ve noticed that proving yourself, pretending, avoiding, ignoring your intuition, and staying in unhealthy situations doesn’t work for you, yes?

The question is… why does this pattern keep playing out? If you don’t recognize yourself first, you’ll continue to be who you aren’t, get what you don’t want, and overlook or repel the people and opportunities that are right for you.

With a practical approach to deeply knowing who you are and how you work, you can change all that.

By catching and disrupting what’s shaped your unhelpful patterns and learning to trust your inner wisdom to lead the way, you’ll naturally express a frequency that not only feels good to you but resonates with others, too.

More satisfaction will come your way as new connections, experiences, and invitations arrive, lighting you up and giving you more to say “yes” (or “no”) to!

“Some changes I’ve noticed is I’m able to regulate my emotions better, reign in my thoughts
better when they threaten to run out of control, and allow others to just be on their own journey.

I love when Michaela took me through a visualization. A lot of breakthrough happened in that extended
moment and I’ll never forget it. That’s the moment everything she taught me became real and solid inside my mindset.

~ Crystal Bantel ~
Your Tech Fairy

Website/Online Course Designer & Certified Business Coach, Winnipeg, MB Canada

Let's Explore

Only the mind or 'little self' needs reminders of who we are, where home really is.
Come inside my Note to Self email community and let's remember together.

Hey, I'm Michaela


I catalyze your own inner immunity to insecure, fearful, and limited thinking.

I used to think there was something wrong with me. 

I muddled through years of eating disorders, substance abuse, busy-mindedness that left a wake of undone projects, and other challenges of having a highly sensitive nature. 

I searched high and low and tried all kinds of things to fix, avoid, or camouflage all my body, relationship, anxiety, and depression problems so that I could be normal, happier more of the time.

Then I learned how the mind works through a simple psychological and spiritual understanding articulated as the Three Principles by a Scottish welder named Sydney Banks, after he had a particularly potent insight.

I came to know the implications of being a spiritual being in a body. Now that I know how it works, so many problems just don’t look or feel like problems anymore.

There’s less conflict and way more ease and flow in all my relationships, including that with my body. I think less about things I thought about most of the time and I just kinda feel more alive. And spacious. And new and cool opportunities and experiences are appearing without me efforting to make them happen. 

Today, I run private and group programs to guide sensitive humans to see for themselves the Truth of how their mind works and the implications of it on their bodies, relationships, and creating their life experiences. I point them to their own true nature, help them to know it, to create cool things, and help them to live by its nudges to more easily navigate and delight in their everyday life.